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Co-Curricular Sports Mission:

The SHMS athletic program provides a positive, structured, child-centered environment where students can learn, explore, experience and enjoy the benefits of participating in sports.

General Information:

  • All 7th and 8th grade students are eligible to participate in co-curricular, after school, middle school sports.
  • 6th grade students are eligible to participate in Boys and Girls Cross Country and Boys and Girls Wrestling.
  • Registration for all sports during the 2024-2025 school year opens on August 5th, 2024.
  • The cost to participate in each sport is $110 per student.
  • The fee will be waived for families that qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch.
  • Scholarships are available for extenuating circumstances. 


Registering your student for a sport:

All athletes should be registered before the first day of practice.

The steps need to be done in this order.

  1. Get a sports physical from your doctor or from a Walk-in/Minute Clinic at Target or CVS. Sports physicals are valid for 3 years (from date of exam).
  2. Bring the completed sports physical to the main office at SHMS. You can also fax the physical to the main office at 952-423-7601.
  3. Log into EduTrack Connect to register for the sport.
  4. Pay using your credit card. Participation for each sport is $110. If you qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch, the system won’t charge you the $110.

(If you need help registering, please call the main office at SHMS (952-423-7581) and someone will gladly help you through the registration process.)


Important Details:

  • All sports practice Monday through Friday from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. during their respective season.
  • Everyone gets to participate!
  • Depending on the sport, some sports may have A, B, C teams, based on ability.
  • Parents need to pick up their student by 5:00 p.m. on practice days.
  • There will be activity busses to take students home after practice each day.
  • After the first two weeks of practice, there will be approximately two games/meets/matches for the remaining weeks of the season.
  • School busses will provide transportation to and from the games/meets/matches. Parents need to pick up their student at SHMS after games at 5:30.
  • If parents are attending the games, they are allowed to take the student home after the game. However, please let the coach know that the student is leaving with the parent.